During the past two weeks, I was able to learn a ton of new content! When conducting research, I often resort to either the first search result or a creditable source for my answers. This week, I was able to learn that sometimes more must be done to be certain about the information provided. As humans, we are capable of creating human error. This can also be applied to our research. So many factors can affect the quality of our research. A great example is what Loren Marks discovered regarding the research of the American Psychological Association. When they made the claim that “Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents’’ Loren Mark examined this claim alongside its research and found many flaws to the research. One flaw of research could be the purpose of a research. For example, the researchers at the APA were observing if children of gay or lesbian couples ...
A Blog about the Family