Dating. The concept and purpose of dating has drastically changed, from the days of before to our current time. When one decides to spend time with another person, they dedicate many things to the individual. First, they dedicate their time. Time is something that is irreplaceable. To choose to spend time with another individual demonstrates a great deal of respect. It should be noted and much more respected. Second, one who spends time with another individual also dedicates a level of trust. When you are one on one with an individual, you trust yourself to be in the presence of the individual. You may also trust them to share even the most basic information, such as your name. When one is together with another, it is important to use that time to know one another. This gives both individuals the opportunity to connect with one another. For example, if two individuals were to spend their time not communicating with one another, both will still become strangers at the end of the day. Su...
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