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We are Different.

As discussed previously, the male and female bodies are very different. They are different, not only in physical appearance but how they function.


When it comes to the act of love, men and women can possibly approach things differently. Both male and female bodies can experience Dopamine and Serotine. Females are able to experience Oxytocin.


The range that a female experience, when performing the act of love, varies from climax to a refractory period. In a sense, women can be unpredictable. The bodies of men, on the other end, are much more predictable. They can be easily aroused at even the most smallest of things. Sometimes, the arousal in act is not because of a sexual cause. Arousal can act due to the cold temperature, waking up in the morning, and more. It is usually due to the actions of the brain. Nevertheless, when it comes to the act of making love, their range when performing love can be very predictable. They can go from being aroused to reaching a climax. After the climax, they enter into the previously mentioned refractory period. This is when, in the men’s case, a man can not be erected or reach another organism again. Women can, as mentioned previously, can experience a wide variety of ranges when performing the action of love. It is very unpredictable. In many cases, a woman must make a decision to be aroused. Because the range of men and women are so different, it can be difficult to understand the other gender’s position in the graph and the ability to satisfy the other party.


Many challenges can occur between and a woman. There can be a misunderstanding between one party and another. This can be presented in a variety of examples. One example can be the demands of making love at various different times. The climax point of a man and a woman varies. It is difficult to meet these two points at the same more. Also, because a man can only climax once, it may become difficult for him to satisfy the needs of a woman who have the ability to experience multiple climaxes before reaching a refractory period. Many outside factors can also effect the action of making love with one another, Anxiety can also play a role.


With many challenges comes great benefits and opportunities. The act of intercourse can bring much of these benefits and opportunities to the couple. For one, the act can assist the couple in strengthening their bondage and create stronger connections with one another. It can create a sense of protection between the couple, for they are present for one another. The act requires a great sense of unselfishness. This is because one must, not only meet their own needs, but satisfy the needs of their couple. Communication is strengthened when connecting between one another. Learning about one another’s needs helps the couple embrace their moderate differences. They learn to work with and satisfy them. And, of course, the act of intercourse can result in children. This leads to the creation of a bigger family within you and the spouse.


All of this information can be very sensitive. Children, when growing up, will eventually become exposed to it. Rather than letting some random stranger on the internet teach your children (hello there), seek the information yourself. There may be data present that explains the information but take a minute to research how it is presented. Does this lesson explain the situation well. Should my child learn this now? Is this explained simply and effectively? Where is this data coming from?


Take control of what and how much of this information is exposed to them.


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