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Various Scenarios

 Divorce is a very sensitive topic. It is a process that I wish upon nobody. There is nothing more important than the family. So, to see and hear of a family break-up truly breaks my heart. In past blogs, various topics were discussed regarding the family. Each family plays a special role. Combined, a family in unity brings peace, joy, and love. Divorce is the path away from this. Divorce can occur for a wide variety of reasons. Those who have witnessed or experienced a divorce will find that many of the situations are vastly different. There can be many different factors that can ultimately lead to the decision of a divorce. So, what kinds of factors can cause a married couple to file for a divorce? For one, one side of the couple could be introducing dangerous outside factors into the family. In order to avoid the outside dangers, a couple may divorce in order to send off the family away from the dangers. Couples may also divorce due to a compiled list of problems that have built...
Recent posts

A Child to Their Parents

 When children are brought out into the world, they have as much information as a speck of dust. They must learn through sight, sound, and experience. Where can they obtain such knowledge? The family of the child is the best source of knowledge for the child. As a little baby, the parents would be the best source of all family members. Children are heavily reliant on their parents. They rely on them for things such as food, water, and shelter. They also rely on them as a source of knowledge of this brand-new concept of life that they have just entered. As a source of knowledge, what can the parents offer? For one, as mentioned previously, parents can offer their children the basic necessities of survival. Such necessities include, but are not limited to, water, food, and shelter. Without food and water, just as with all human life, the children will be unable to feed their appetite of things that the body needs. Shelter provides many benefits to the children. It can provide a space...

A Father and the Role

I was able to analyze and ponder the text of Kate Fogarty and Garret F. Evans entitled “The Common Roles of Fathers: The Five Ps.”   In this text, they speak of exactly what it is entitled. They state that “Fathers' efforts can be labeled according to the ‘Five Ps’: Participator / Problem-solver, Playmate, Principal Guide, Provider, [and] Prepare.”   I wanted to also share my thoughts regarding the Five Ps.   Participator / Problem Solver:             There are many issues that children will face as they grow up. While minor or major, they may not have the biggest capacity of knowledge to be able to solve their problems. A father, with many experiences in his lifetime, should be willing to share and resolve issues that a child may come to face. They should also allow the children to learn from any solutions to problems. Doing so allows the child to prepare the child for what is to come in the near futu...

Communicate and Interpret

The form of communication had been a very interesting concept to me! One creates an idea through their thoughts and ideas inside their brain. The individual then sends a message to another party. The other party takes that message and deconstructs it, inside their brain, in order to understand the idea given. This is a very fantastic concept, in my opinion. It is practiced constantly. As a matter of fact, I am communicating with you through this blog post! I have previously created a message through thoughts and ideas that I have gained. I am passing this message onto you: the reader! As you are reading this blog post, you are receiving my message and currently deconstructing it to understand the idea that I have created.   This idea sounds simple enough, but what if I told you, it is not this simple.   Sending the message is the easy part. The most difficult part would be to deconstruct the message to receive the same result. For example, I may write, “Superman 64 is ...

We are Different.

As discussed previously, the male and female bodies are very different. They are different, not only in physical appearance but how they function.   When it comes to the act of love, men and women can possibly approach things differently. Both male and female bodies can experience Dopamine and Serotine. Females are able to experience Oxytocin.   The range that a female experience, when performing the act of love, varies from climax to a refractory period. In a sense, women can be unpredictable. The bodies of men, on the other end, are much more predictable. They can be easily aroused at even the most smallest of things. Sometimes, the arousal in act is not because of a sexual cause. Arousal can act due to the cold temperature, waking up in the morning, and more. It is usually due to the actions of the brain. Nevertheless, when it comes to the act of making love, their range when performing love can be very predictable. They can go from being aroused to reaching a clima...

Create Connections!

Dating. The concept and purpose of dating has drastically changed, from the days of before to our current time. When one decides to spend time with another person, they dedicate many things to the individual. First, they dedicate their time. Time is something that is irreplaceable. To choose to spend time with another individual demonstrates a great deal of respect. It should be noted and much more respected. Second, one who spends time with another individual also dedicates a level of trust. When you are one on one with an individual, you trust yourself to be in the presence of the individual. You may also trust them to share even the most basic information, such as your name. When one is together with another, it is important to use that time to know one another. This gives both individuals the opportunity to connect with one another. For example, if two individuals were to spend their time not communicating with one another, both will still become strangers at the end of the day. Su...

Who is Gender? You are you!

Character traits. These are special indicators that tells someone how someone behaves. They tell us who we are, how we act, and what we like. These traits are often associated with gender. For the purposes of this work, I will be comparing both the genders of Male and Female. When these traits are associated with gender, they often are categorized with one or the other. Regarding the family, a mother will often treat situations differently than the father. Females can be relationship orientated, seeking the best for the family relationship. Fathers are usually spatial orientated, aware of their surroundings and of any possible threats. Mothers tend to solve issues with words, while fathers tend to solve issues in a physical manner (this does NOT imply abuse). Women are caregiving, treating the needs of others. Men tend to be independence, seeking to solve any issues on their own. Females seek communication, while males seek action. Why is it this way? Can a male possess the same charac...